
There something inside that doesn’t want to be let known
A story that goes untold
We want to keep it inside
Hoping and praying for it be alright

Pain allows us to grow
Pain is what keeps us going
Pain is what makes us who we are
We just have to keep on fighting
And never ever let go.

We have this story deep within our souls
We want to give up
Because it hurts
It hurts to fight
Hurts to try

Pain allows us to be.
Pain is what keeps us striving
It’s something that will always be there
But we must continue fighting

Pain can either makes us
breaks us
But don’t ever let anyone in the midst of your pain
Change you.
Don’t let your pain convince you
That you are not good enough
Don’t let your pain lies tell you that
You are not worthy
Not smart.
Just fat.
You know,
Those unhealthy thoughts.

Because pain is there,
It is always going to be there
Because that just how life is meant to be
But in the midst
You have to a story to tell
So, tell it.
But don’t allow your pain tell you otherwise.