
It’s a long way home..
It’s a long way back..
And I don’t know what to do, Lord….
I’m so blinded by this darkness
That even the headlights are not enough…

You see,
People are telling me that I shouldn’t go this way..
That I am going the wrong way
But all I can feel is their lies and deceit.
They may say one thing, but their action shows another…

You called me onto this road…
And what people say shouldn’t matter
Only of what You say
So, I should just continue
Even if the darkness prevail amongst the headlights
I should just keep driving

But Lord
It’s so hard to
There’s so many things trying to drive me off
Trying to cause me to crash
And all I want to do is turn back

But I don’t know Lord….

Maybe they are right?
Maybe I’m not ready….
Maybe I’m not wanted….
Maybe I’m not good enough….

But Lord
I am so tired of driving through this madness alone.
I don’t know what to do….

It’s like one thing thing after another…
I don’t want to crash, Lord.
I just…

It’s a long way home…
It’s a long way back….
And so many things are trying to pull me off of this road…

But I am going to continue to trust in You..
I give You the keys
For You are with me wherever road lead to next.